Campaign Update: Team Daisy Kicks Off Sign-Waving in District 48

Campaign Update: Team Daisy Kicks Off Sign-Waving in District 48

ORLANDO, Fla. (July 26, 2020) – Team Daisy hit the streets in District 48 today, waving signs and showing voters love on street corners while staying safe and wearing our masks during COVID-19. Not only was it important to wave our signs, but it was also important to have Old Glory (the American flag) there too. With over 30 years of public service, Ms. Morales respects the ideals the flag represents and wants as many residents as possible to enjoy those ideals.

It appears that we may be trendsetters, too. Since the day we waved our signs, several other candidates have started sign waving as well, which didn’t appear to be happening before we decided to hit the streets in District 48.